RF Services
Our core services include Match Network Repair and RF Generator Repair
Welcome to Frontier Engineering LLC / Frontier RF, an RF services company based in Colorado, USA.
We offer complete High-Power RF technology services, including rapid prototyping, design, testing, servicing and production for government and commercial applications.
High quality RF generator repair services for all of your RF Generator equipment
We repair and refurbish all types of RF match networks
We often undertake special projects and product development at customers request.
We can custom design and build RF combiners / splitters to suit your requirements
Professional, expert Variable Phase Shifters design for 13.56MHz plasma processes.
RF Filters designed and built to suit your requirements or you can select from our standard products
Reliable RF match network services
We have provided technical support to industry, government and education facilities for over 20 years, specializing in high power RF and DC equipment
in the following areas: Repair, Sales, Product Design and Prototype Manufacturing.
Our customers include large and small companies all pursuing the same goal: to keep their equipment working, minimize downtime and improve reliability. Through high quality service we
help them do just that.
Our knowledge becomes your solution
For over two decades Frontier RF has been offering the highest quality RF services and products
for the most demanding industrial and government Hi Power RF projects.
We are proud to include industry giants such as:
Atmel® , Broadcom® , Samsung® , Intel® , Logitech® , Maxim Integrated® , Microchip® , On Semi® , Seagate® and Texas Instruments®
our list of corporate customers
Our customers range from all types of industries and government, from small repairs to large, complex design and build projects.